The Ngwee Ngwee Ngwee Fund is managed by a Fund Manager (FM) recruited by the Ministry of Energy that provides access to loans and grants to eligible enterprises offering quality assured solar off-grid systems. The FM’s role as a financial services agent is to ensure effective operation, management, budgeting as well as Monitoring & Evaluation. The FM is also responsible for carrying out due diligence and approval of sub-loans and grants, conducting credit monitoring activities of the NNNF, selecting the OGS companies and collecting loan repayments. The Ministry of Energy disburses funds to Participating Off-Grid Solar (OGS) companies through a debt facility and a Result Based Financing facility. OGS companies are expected to use these funds to finance stock, develop business models and build the distribution channels to reach consumers in remote areas of Malawi.
The fund’s operations are guided by a governance and management framework documented in the Project Operations Manual (POM). While the FM oversees daily operations, governance is maintained through a multi-tiered structure, including an OGS company Selection Committee for evaluating companies, a Technical Committee for operational guidance, a Steering Committee Chaired by Ministry of Energy with the participation of Ministry of Finance and Economic Affairs and key relevant institutions for strategic oversight.