Complaint Resolution and Grievance Redress

Customers can submit complaints directly to OGS companies through the following toll lines:

  • VITALITE Malawi: Toll-free line 703
  • Yellow Solar: Airtel subscribers only—3020 (Not toll-free)
  • Zuwa: Free SMS for both TNM & Airtel—Send the word “Solar” to 3067 for more information on their products.
  • Green Impact Technologies: Call 0881754926/4260
  • Star Times: Call or SMS 0995777555

If an OGS company fails to resolve a complaint, the complainant may escalate the issue to the Grievance Redress Mechanism Committee (GRMC), which is available at the community and district levels in all districts.

If these channels do not resolve the grievance, it can be escalated to the Ministry of Energy by writing to:

The Project Coordinator
Malawi Electricity Access Project
Ministry of Energy
Private Bag 309, Lilongwe 3, Malawi.

Additionally, the Ministry provides a toll-free complaint line: 4280.