Households meeting the Eligibility criteria can benefit from NNNF by following these steps:
- Visit local office of the company in your area or Contact the Off-Grid Solar (OGS) companies using contact numbers provided.
- OGS company will refer the customer to their sales agents operating within the area where the customer is staying.
- The Sales Agent will confirm availability of products
- The Sales agent will explain the terms and conditions that are supposed to be met by both parties
- After, agreeing to the terms and conditions, the customer can purchase the product on the terms flexible to him/her.
- Installation and maintenance are done by OGS company during loan payment period. Customers are required to allow the OGS company access the same to conduct necessary maintenance.
- If a customer fails to make regular repayments, the OGS company will take necessary recovery steps.
- The OGS company may reclaim the SHS if a customer defaults on payments.