Implementing Institution and Funding Partners

  • Ministry of Energy – Project implementer.
  • World Bank – Provides financial and technical support.
  • Infrastructure Development Company Limited (IDCOL)- Fund Manager
  • Off-Grid Solar Companies – Sell and install solar systems. The Participating  Companies (Pos) are:
    1. Vitalite Group Limited
    2. Zuwa Energy (Pty) Limited
    3. Perennial Holdings Limited (Yellow Solar)
    4. StarTimes Media (MW) Limited
    5. Green Impact Technologies Limited
    6. Kumudzi Kuwale
    7. Solar Aid
    8. RECAPO Solar Systems
    9. Sollys Energy
  • Malawi Broadcasting Corporation- Development Broadcasting Unit (MBC-DBU) – Conducts awareness campaigns.
  • Independent Verification Agent: Verifies installations against claims submitted by Pos for RBF disbursement